Al-Manara College of Medical Sciences participates in the Bologna Pathway Conference
The Dean of the Faculty of Lighthouse for Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Faraj Mohammed Abdullah, participated in the Bologna Track Conference held by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which was hosted by the Hakim Hall at the University of Baghdad. The presence of the Deanship of the Faculty of Lighthouse is represented by its Dean and Associates, Head of Radiology and Sonar, and Rapporteur of the Department of Pharmacy.
It is worth mentioning that the Bologna Pathway system will be applied during the current academic year to a number of faculties, engineering departments, and sciences based on the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The Bologna Course is a multi-goal process that aims to establish a framework that makes qualifications in higher education similar in its certificates and the information available therein, facilitates the comparison track in university degrees in the countries of the European Union, enables the adoption of similar standards in quality and helps higher learning in the recruitment of students and international competition.