Opening of the scientific poster exhibition
The Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Taei, inaugurated the exhibition of educational posters held by Al-Manara College of Medical Sciences in the halls of the College of Dentistry on Monday, June 14,2021, in the presence of the heads of scientific departments and a number of teachers and students.
Prof. Dr. Osama Aziz Ibrahim, Head of the Dental Department, said that the exhibition aims to present the ideas of students and projects based on them in the form of posters, which would provide the reader with information about the content of the idea in a fast and attractive manner, as well as activate students and encourage them to develop their skills in line with developments in the digital field .
He added that the exhibition includes many educational posters that exceeded eighty posters and from several specialties such as root treatment, dental anatomy, radiology and public health such as oral diseases, which would open the way for students to benefit from each other’s experiences and exchange them, discuss questions of their scientific projects and spread science and knowledge among students.
Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Tai stated that the opening of such important scientific forums is evidence of the keenness of the Presidency of Al-Manara University for Medical Sciences in keeping pace with and participating in scientific activities in order to enhance the educational process.