Training and development program in security, safety, civil defense and first aid
With the blessed sponsorship of the founding body and the Dean of Al-Manara College of Medical Sciences… The rehabilitation and development program for the staff of Al-Manara College of Medical Sciences was launched through the establishment of three specialized courses in safety, the first of which was in the biological and chemical safety and security of educational laboratories and over a period of five days, the quality and reliability consultant attended the The Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division in the college… Its lectures were attended by supervisors, officials and workers in the laboratories and came out with productive recommendations that would develop standards of quality, safety and security in the laboratories of our dear universities… The second course focused on the practical application of first aid and mechanisms for handling emergency cases.. It was over two days in which professors and college employees participated. It was held in cooperation and support from the Maysan Health Department and in the presence of specialized and accredited professors in the field of first aid and emergency medicine… The third session focused on the practical application of civil defense practices and firefighting mechanisms used in educational institutions.. He participated In practice, professors, employees and all security elements in the college have discussed all possible ways A request to prepare strategic plans and mechanisms for their implementation in an optimal manner to advance the reality of the college situation and raise the elements of security and safety in it… This program took place in a great discussion by the heads of departments, professors, participants and attendees, and the program resulted in several recommendations that will be taken…. in service of our universities Dear and our great Iraq.