Clinical anatomy : a revision and applied anatomy for clinical students.
Author: Harold Ellis Category: Medical Publisher: WileyBlackwell Published: 2007 ISBN: 9781405138048,1405138041 Pages: 455 Language: English File Size: 18 More DetailsExperience of teaching clinical students at five medical schools and of examining them in sixteen cities and in eight countries has convinced me that there is still an unfortunate hiatus between the anatomy which the student learns in the pre-clinical years and that which is later encountered in the wards and operating theatres.
This book attempts to counter this situation. It does so by highlighting those features of anatomy which are of clinical importance using a vertical blue bar, in radiology, pathology, medicine and midwifery as well as in surgery. It presents the facts which students might reasonably be expected to carry with them during their years on the wards, through their final examinations and into their postgraduate years; it is designed for the clinical student.