Al-Manara University is included in the UI Green Metric University Ranking for 2024
Al-Manara University is included in the UI Green Metric University Ranking for 2024, with 78 Iraqi universities participating in this ranking out of 1,477 universities around the world from 95 countries.
This ranking is one of the most important global systems that evaluate the performance of universities in the field of environmental sustainability, as it is based on comprehensive criteria including:
• Work environment and infrastructure on campus (15%)
• Energy and climate change (21%)
• Waste management (18%)
• Optimal use of water (10%)
• Education, academic programs and research (18%)
• Transportation and mobility within the campus (18%)
The UI Green Metric ranking seeks to enhance global awareness of the importance of sustainability by highlighting universities’ efforts to improve their educational environments and contribute to issues such as climate change, clean energy, water conservation, and recycling.
This classification is evidence of Al Manara University’s commitment to working towards a more sustainable future, and reflects its efforts in developing infrastructure and enhancing education and research in the fields of sustainability.