Al-Manara Center for Continuing Education and Training Obtains the ISO 45001 Certificate
Al-Manara Center for Continuing Education and Training at Al-Manara College of Medical Sciences in Maysan obtained the ISO 45001 for the year 2018 certificate, ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Salety Management System, This came as a result of providing healthy and safe workplaces, by providing an integrated system for the prevention of work injuries and the prevention of bad health.
It is worth noting that the ISO 45001 standard has concerned with important factors related to organization such as the context of the organization, and factors related to the needs and expectations of its customers and any parties involved with it. ISO 45001 also incorporates other aspects of occupational safety and health, such as the health and welfare of workers.
The ISO 45001 standard consists of ten main items:
1- Scope
2- Normative references
3- Terms and definitions
4- Context of the organization
5- Leadership and worker participation
6- Planning
7- Support
8- Operation
9- Performance evaluation
10- Improvement