The start of the final exams for the first academic course in the college
Under direct supervision, and field follow-up by the Dean of Al-Manara College of Medical Sciences, Professor Dr. Faraj Mohammad Abdullah, the morning of Tuesday, January 25, 2022, started the final exams for the first academic course of the academic year 2021-2022. With strict preventive and health measures.
The Associate Dean stated that the exams began with a package of preventive measures against the Corona virus, which was represented in the defoliation of all exam halls before students enter them and emphasizing the distance between students to ensure safety for all, while emphasizing the need to wear masks while entering the college and taking the exam.
The Dean also indicated during his inspection tours of the exam halls the need to provide all the requirements that would make the exam process successful in accordance with the instructions and directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.