Al-Manara College of Medical Sciences supports and highlights its talents
Believing in the need to support our students with talents and creative creative skills, Al-Manara College of Medical Sciences in Maysan announces the start of receiving all offers and participations of students that reflect their talents and skills to publish and market them through the official website of the college:
Participation Terms:
1- To be a college graduate or student.
2- The student’s talent should be sent in the form of (video or photos). Scalable and suitable for electronic publishing.
3- The talent should be worthy of dissemination.
4- To be sent via the official email issued by the college exclusively, and all posts received from personal emails will be neglected.
5- All talents are included in the participation, such as (painting, sculpture, art, poetry, playing, sports, performance, artistic, cultural, scientific and recreational talents … etc.), where a committee will identify, select, display and highlight talents through various electronic means. for college.
6- Your entries will be received for the period from (October 20, 2021) to (November 1, 2021).
7- The winning entries will have a permanent window on the college website and will be updated annually.
8- Entries should be sent to the following e-mail (