The guide for Iraqi teachers and researchers to use the ORCID website
ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, a non-profit organization working to provide an alphanumeric code to distinguish between scholars and other academic authors.
ORCID addresses the problems resulting from the confusion between researchers due to the congruence of their names that appear on scientific papers and what is published in the human sciences. Which may result from the use of abbreviations for the name. It works to give each person a unique, permanent identity similar to a digital document identifier (DOI) that is created for digital contents to distinguish between them.
ORCID provides an independent open registry to serve as a de facto criterion for distinguishing between authors who publish scientific and academic materials. On October 16, 2012 the organization launched the registration service and began issuing user IDs.
Below is a link to download the guideline for Iraqi teachers and researchers to use the ORCID website issued by the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority – Quality Assurance Department.