Announcement of a scientific lecture About The Antibiotic Resistance
In application of the productive university standards, and in honor of the launch of the national standards for the quality of universities, and in solidarity with the great embrace of our ministry and universities for scientific research, and with great sponsorship by the Dean of Al-Manara College of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Faraj Mohammed Abdullah.
The Continuing Education and Training Center and the Quality Assurance and Performance Assessment Division in our college will hold a scientific lecture ( The Antibiotic Resistance Crisis : How Did We End Up Here , And What We Can Do ? ) at 8:00 PM in the evening on Wednesday, August 11, 2021. It will be given by Prof. Dr. Faraj Mohammad Abdullah, Dean of Al-Manara College of Medical Sciences and Assistant Lecturer Ahmed Ghadeeb Obaid, a teacher in the Department of Pharmacy, knowing that the lecture will be electronic via the FCC platform through the access code: ahmedtaifi.