Announcement to students about preventive measures in attendance exams
Our dear students, the attendance exams will start next week, so the following instructions must be fully adhered to in order to preserve your lives and the lives of your teachers and families, and you know very well the spread of the Corona virus and the large number of injuries and deaths during this period, knowing that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has assigned a team from the ministry and another from a university Maysan to supervise the exams, so please comply fully with all the following instructions:
1- Full commitment to wearing a mask, starting from the inquiries, and no student is allowed to enter the college if the mask is not worn, and the student is not allowed to remove the mask inside the college corridors or exam halls, as well as staying away from gatherings and applying distance and health safety.
2 – Not allowing the student to take the exam if the student’s university ID is not brought. Therefore, the ID must be ensured before coming to the college, and whoever lost his ID must review the college to issue a new ID in accordance with the instructions and controls.
3- Entering the exam hall a quarter of an hour before the start of the exam.
4- Not allowing students infected with the Corona virus to take the exam, and if the student is proven to be infected and not informing the college, he will expose himself to severe penalties, knowing that all students will be examined in the inquiries with the thermometer used to examine the virus, so students must come to the college an hour before the exam date .
Finally, we wish you good luck in your final exams.