E-Learning Hot Mail

Referring to the ministerial team’s instructions regarding responding to students and teachers during the online exams period, it was decided to adopt the hot e-mail of our college (listed below) for the purpose of communicating about the obstacles and problems facing the educational e-learning process and all matters related to the preparations for the electronic exams in order to put the necessary solutions and treatments that contribute to strength the educational and examination process


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كلية المنارة للعوم الطبية


العراق – محافظة ميسان

ساعات العمل

من 8 صباحا الى 3 ظهرا

من السبت الى الخميس

للتواصل معنا

هاتف : 07730096072

البريد الالكتروني : info@uomanara.edu.iq

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