The guide for the Iraqi teacher and researcher to use the Google Scholar website Google Scholar is a search engine for scientific and academic literature that researchers and scholars need. With Google Scholar, you can search across many scientific fields and information sources, as well as certified papers, theses, books, abstracts, and articles from academic […]
Scientific News
The guide for the Iraqi teacher and researcher to use the Research Gate website
The guide for the Iraqi teacher and researcher to use the Research Gate website Research Gate is a free website and collaboration tool aimed at scientific researchers from all disciplines of science. It provides web applications including semantic search, full abstract search, file sharing, database sharing of publications, and subscribers can also create their own […]
The guide for Iraqi teachers and researchers to use the ORCID website
The guide for Iraqi teachers and researchers to use the ORCID website ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, a non-profit organization working to provide an alphanumeric code to distinguish between scholars and other academic authors. ORCID addresses the problems resulting from the confusion between researchers due to the congruence of their names that […]
The guide for the Iraqi teacher and researcher to use the Publons website
The guide for the Iraqi teacher and researcher to use the Publons website Publons is one of the most important sites that provide a free service for academics to track and display their reviews and scientific research in academic journals. The service was launched in 2012 and the number of registered researchers on the site […]
Top ten indispensable tools for researchers and academics
Top ten indispensable tools for researchers and academics We put in your hands ten important tools that you can add to your web browser to facilitate your work in research, Writing master’s thesis and PhD thesis, indexing scientific references, translation and summarizing articles. 1- EndNote Click – Formerly Kopernio 2- Mendeley Web Importer 3- […]