Job opportunities for retired holds a Ph.D.
Al-Manara College of Medical Sciences in Maysan announces the existence of job opportunities for retired PhD holders in the specializations detailed below:
General Medicine: Holds a doctorate degree and a scientific title of professor or assistant professor.
Pharmacy: Holds a doctorate degree and the scientific title of professor or assistant professor.
Radiology and Ultrasound: Holds a PhD and a scientific title of Professor or Assistant Professor.
Anesthesia: Holds a doctorate degree and a scientific title of professor or assistant professor.
Priorities required to apply:
Identification documents.
The university order for granting the certificate to graduates of Iraqi universities, or the certificate equivalency book for graduates of universities outside Iraq.
University order regarding retirement.
The university order for granting the scientific title.
CV of the applicant.
To apply, please email us
Or review the college or call 07706752539