Hold scientific day activities for dentists in Maysan Governorate
Within the framework of the scientific and societal activities that seek to sustain them, Al-Manara College of Medical Sciences in the eternal Maysan Governorate…
Today, Wednesday, October 13, 2021, the Scientific Day for Dentists was held in Maysan Governorate, entitled “Practical application, training and qualification of dentists as an important factor in developing scientific and practical capabilities and a main and backbone for the development of quality indicators and standards for human resources,” which was held in cooperation with the Maysan Doctors’ Syndicate and the Center for Al Ghadeer Specialized Dental Center…
The introductory day began with playing the national anthem, reciting a verse from the Qur’an, and reciting Surat Al-Fatihah, in sympathy for the martyrs of science, scholars, and the martyrs of Iraq from our armed forces and our Popular Mobilization Forces .. Then the speech of the esteemed Brigadier General (Prof. Dr. Faraj Mohammad Abdullah) and the speech of the captain of Maysan Doctors (Dr. Ali Al-Hafiz) followed by the inaugural lecture of the Quality and Reliability Consultant from the University of Technology (Assit. Prof. Dr. Abdel-Khaleq Fawzi Hammoud), followed by five dental specialist lectures for the lecturers of Al-Ghadeer Specialized Center, then reading the recommendations of the scientific day and a group photo of the participants in the scientific day.
More than two hundred participants, including dentists and dental students in the college from the governorate, participated in the scientific day. The Dean of the College indicated that this day will be periodically every year in order to lay the foundations for quality and institutional accreditation and to achieve the college’s global reach.