Advertisement for a job for holders of a degree higher
Al-Manara College of Medical Sciences in Maysan announces the availability of a job opportunity in the field of:
Computer Engineering , computer Sciences , electronic ,Telecom .
He holds PhD or M.A. degree.
Priorities required to apply:
Personal documents with a photo.
The university order for granting the certificate to graduates of Iraqi universities, or the certificate equivalency book for graduates of universities outside Iraq.
University order regarding retirement (if the applicant is retired)
The university order to grant academic promotion to its holders.
CV of the applicant (C.V.)
Those who find themselves qualified and willing to apply from among the unassigned graduates, retired and resigned ones should send all the required priorities to the following email:
Or on the following numbers: 07711986618 – 07706752539
Or refer to the Deanship of the College for the purpose of applying